After years of local organizing, Just Transition Northwest Indiana (JTNWI) was established in April 2020. JTNWI was launched initially to ensure the clean closure of the NIPSCO Michigan City plant and to remove the coal ash waste degrading air quality and threatening Lake Michigan, our collective drinking water supply. 

JTNWI is a grassroots environmental justice organization serving the Northwest Indiana region. Together, we are:

  • Working to build solidarity between communities and workers to create long-term, community-centered, and worker-centered solutions

  • Addressing the urgent issue of coal ash pollution and other legacy waste impacts along Lake Michigan and the Great Lakes

  • Taking legislative action on environmental issues at the local, state, and federal fronts

What We Stand For

  • JTNWI is committed to educating and organizing Northwest Indiana communities and workers, giving voice to our shared stories, and supporting a just transition to a regenerative economy that protects the environment, climate, and future generations.

  • We are working toward an empowered Northwest Indiana where people live in clean, healthy, and united communities.

  • We value Inclusivity by intentionally and consistently reaching out to and organizing those impacted by the energy industry and the climate crisis, especially our youngest generations, fossil fuel workers, communities of color, and working-class communities.

    We value Solidarity as expressed in unity and support in our struggles, celebrating our successes, and through resource sharing to help create a community-powered movement.

    We value Justice for All community members and workers to ensure no individual will be left behind personally, socially or economically.

  • From the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing:

    1. Be Inclusive 

    2. Emphasis on Bottom-Up Organizing 

    3. Let People Speak for Themselves 

    4. Work Together In Solidarity and Mutuality

    5. Build Just Relationships Among Ourselves 

    6. Commitment to Self-Transformation

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